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Tint Shops
We put together a breakdown of some of the top tint shops in different states across the country. Tint shops graded by price, quality, responsiveness, online ratings and more
We put together a breakdown of some of the top tint shops in different states across the country. Tint shops graded by price, quality, responsiveness, online ratings and more
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The information regarding window tinting laws contained on this website should by no means be used as legal advice. The information here should be used as a starting point for your own research and you should always confirm the data you find here with your local and state departments. It is ultimately your final say as to what the best course of action is for your circumstances. We are not lawyers. If you are interested in legal advice regarding window tint laws and traffic citations for your localized area we would be happy to refer you to some law firms. It is crucial that you not only understand the state laws but also your local municipal laws before you tint your car windows. You also must understand that just because a statute may clearly state one thing or another, that doesn't mean that all members of law enforcement will know the current ruling. This goes for lawyers and even judges too at times. The best prevention for a traffic citation is thorough research and although we do our best to keep these pages up to date, we are only human and sometimes miss the updates.
Respectfully, Your friends